Sunday, May 31, 2009

Prince Harry does this Brit proud

When I heard that his Royal Highness, Prince Harry was headed to NYC, I cringed inwardly.

In light of his racist comments earlier this year, vis-a-vis some of his fellow officers in the British Army, I had lost respect for him. I figured he would come to America, behave badly and return home.

Apparently, he has learned a lot this year and is a kinder, gentler representative of the Crown of England and its Royal Family.

He came to Harlem Children's Zone and a couple of other places to mingle with common people. Indeed, entrance to his gathering was free, but celebrities were able to pay from $500 a head, to $50,000 a table to be in the presence of His Royal Highness. He played polo, went to Ground Zero and visted the Air and Museum.

Here is the link to the story:

His mother would be proud of his efforts this week.

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