Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Farewell to Ted Kennedy

For the second time in as many months, I write farewell to a great man - one who has touched the lives of countless people, one who struggled with personal demons and one who was extremely complicated.

First Michael Jackson and now Ted Kennedy - of course, the two men can hardly be compared in the same breath, strictly speaking, but they have left huge footprints on the world nevertheless.

No matter one's political persuasion, no matter what one's thoughts on adultery and Ted's alleged philandering, one has to recognize the enormity of his passing. The Kennedy family has suffered the death of too many members - yes, I know that Ted was not particularly young, but I wanted so much for him to see his life's work - the healthcare reform bill - pass before he left this world.

His legacy will now be carried on by someone else - someone with huge shoes to fill.

With any luck, Caroline will rethink her decision not to enter politics and return to the field in the future for a seat in New York City politics - heck - maybe even the national stage - and then I won't feel so sad after all.

God bless the Kennedys as they mourn the passing of this amazing man.

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